
Showing posts from May, 2022

The power of Forgiveness

We’ve all heard the adage “forgive and forget” when someone has wronged us. The idea is that this will keep the peace, preserve relationships, and maintain a calm mind. Sounds good, but can you really do that — forgive an offense and then forget about it? And is that the best action to take? Because this advice has been handed out for ages, you might think it’s rooted in deep wisdom, and it must be easy to do. Wisdom? Yes, in part. Easy? No, definitely not. This adage that we’re all so familiar with might be more properly phrased as, “forgive, but don’t forget.” Many people have misconceptions about what forgiveness really means—and they may eschew it. Others may want to forgive, but wonder whether or not they truly can. Forgiveness does not necessarily come easily; but it is possible for many of us to achieve, if we have the right tools and are willing to put in the effort. Forgiveness can take years. You may feel yourself letting go of hurt little by little until one day you feel a w